The Gallery’s opening hours will extend till 11pm during Light to Night Singapore weekends (Fri to Sun, 17–19 Jan, 24–26 Jan, 31 Jan–2 Feb), with free entry to all exhibitions.

Chng Seok Tin: Drawn through a Press

Exhibition Catalogue

Chng Seok Tin is one of Singapore’s most prominent printmakers, and has displayed dexterity as an artist through her exceptional range of tonality and scale. Drawn through a Press features Chng’s works on paper, sculptures, installations and writings. This catalogue seeks to capture the rigorous yet playful approach that drove her experiments in printmaking and writing, as well as her advocacy for new and adaptable ways of making art.

Chng Seok Tin: Drawn through a Press is part of the Something New Must Turn Up series which offers a comparative perspective of how artistic forerunners in post-independence Singapore critically engaged with the conditions of multiculturalism, developmentalism and modernisation through ground-breaking explorations of media.

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250 × 200mm