The Gallery’s opening hours will extend till 11pm during Light to Night Singapore weekends (Fri to Sun, 17–19 Jan, 24–26 Jan, 31 Jan–2 Feb), with free entry to all exhibitions.

Chua Mia Tee: Directing the Real 蔡名智: 映真

Exhibition Catalogue

“The painter assumes the role of a scriptwriter, director and actor to freely shape the subject’s image.”
—Chua Mia Tee

Through character, narrative and composition, visionary artist Chua Mia Tee goes beyond mere representation to construct iconic images of Singapore’s changing landscapes and its inhabitants. Alongside full-coloured plates and curatorial essays in this catalogue are Chua’s writings collected together for the first time. Cogent and stirring, Chua’s own words bring revelatory insight to a prolific artistic practice that has started since the 1950s. One of Singapore’s most acclaimed artists, Chua was conferred the Cultural Medallion award in 2015, Singapore’s highest accolade recognising artistic excellence and contribution to the arts.

200 × 160mm