The Gallery’s opening hours will extend till 11pm during Light to Night Singapore weekends (Fri to Sun, 17–19 Jan, 24–26 Jan, 31 Jan–2 Feb), with free entry to all exhibitions.

Ng Teng Fong Roof Garden Commission: Rirkrit Tiravanija

Exhibition Catalogue

Rirkrit Tiravanija has created the second Ng Teng Fong Roof Garden Commission artwork for National Gallery Singapore. Featuring an interlocking bamboo structure with a simple wooden tea house at its centre, this site-specific installation springs from the artist’s interest in fostering social engagement and human interaction through art. With homes in Chiang Mai, New York and Berlin, Tiravanija’s nomadic life is a constant negotiation of cultures, and a source of inspiration for his practice. This catalogue illuminates this influential artist’s fascinating oeuvre through newly commissioned essays and full-colour images of the installation.

240 × 200mm

Take a look inside