The Gallery’s opening hours will extend till 11pm during Light to Night Singapore weekends (Fri to Sun, 17–19 Jan, 24–26 Jan, 31 Jan–2 Feb), with free entry to all exhibitions.

Our Exhibition Audio Tours, Now Available Online

While the Minimalism exhibition has closed, continue to learn about the works in the show with two audio tours now available on our newly-launched Soundcloud––including an alternative version featuring musings by 7 local creatives.

By Eve Hoon
Posted on 09 May 2019
2 mins read

Our Exhibition Audio Tours, Now Available Online

Accompanying every exhibition at the Gallery is an audio tour that guides you through a selection of artworks and allows you to explore the show at your own pace. The curators specially select the artworks to touch on key sections across the exhibition, while the audio commentary provides insights into the meaning and significance behind the works.

Once in a while, we also create an additional, alternative tour that invites voices outside of the museum to reflect on artworks in the exhibition and bring a fresh perspective to the show. One such example was the audio tour for our 2017 exhibition Artist and Empire, which featured a light-hearted conversation between local comedian and blogger Mr Brown and then-British High Commissioner Scott Wightman. 

We also created two audio tours for our recent special exhibition Minimalism: Space. Light. Object., which closed on 14 April 2019. The first introduced 11 key works in the exhibition that trace and exemplify the movement’s global reach and trajectories. The second invited 7 local creatives––an artist, graphic designer, dancer-choreographer, poet, mathematician, musician, and a founder of a zero-waste grocery store––to share their musings on 7 different artworks in the show, demonstrating the interdisciplinary threads of the movement in a conversation that extended beyond art.

While these show have closed, the tours are now available to listen to on our newly-launched Soundcloud, which will soon host many more audio tours of our past and ongoing shows. Here's a sneak preview:

Standard Tour


Alternative Tour: The More You Look at It