The Gallery’s opening hours will extend till 11pm during Light to Night Singapore weekends (Fri to Sun, 17–19 Jan, 24–26 Jan, 31 Jan–2 Feb), with free entry to all exhibitions.

Now on Soundcloud | Lim Cheng Hoe: Painting Singapore Audio Tour

Take a walk with us through 7 highlights in the exhibition Lim Cheng Hoe: Painting Singapore to discover Lim's journey and deep relationship with the changing landscape of Singapore.

By Editorial Team
Posted on 21 June 2019
1 min read

Now on Soundcloud | <i>Lim Cheng Hoe: Painting Singapore</i> Audio Tour
Lim Cheng Hoe. The Estuary.​ c. 1970. Watercolour on paper, 37 x 50.5 cm​. Gift of Michael Lim Hock Ann. Collection of National Gallery Singapore​.

As the leading watercolour artist of his generation, Lim Cheng Hoe was one of the founders of the Singapore Watercolour Society and instrumental in the development of this medium from the 1950s onwards. Why did he focus on watercolour, and how did he become one of the most skilled watercolour artists of his generation? In this audio tour, now available on our Soundcloud, take a walk with us through 7 highlights in the exhibition Lim Cheng Hoe: Painting Singapore to discover Lim's journey and deep relationship with the changing landscape of Singapore.