Why did artists in Southeast Asia begin using video and how was this technology first incorporated into their works? By staging and recreating pioneering works by ten artists from Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand, See Me, See You: Early Video Installation of Southeast Asia locates pivotal moments when the form first emerged in the region in the 1980s and 1990s.

Part 2 features works by artists Heri Dono (Indonesia), Krisna Murti (Indonesia), Hasnul Saidon (Malaysia), Ray Langenbach (USA/Malaysia) and Vincent Leow (Singapore).

The works include original footage from the installations' first exhibitions, as well as reinterpretations that reflect its contemporary presentation at the Gallery.


  • When: 05 May 2023–04 Feb 2024
  • Where: Level B1, The Ngee Ann Kongsi Concourse Gallery, City Hall Wing