The Gallery’s opening hours will extend till 11pm during Light to Night Singapore weekends (Fri to Sun, 17–19 Jan, 24–26 Jan, 31 Jan–2 Feb), with free entry to all exhibitions.

Family (reworked into Family and One)

While the Gallery spaces are temporarily closed, Perspectives Magazine continues to bring art to you and your family.

By Editorial Team
Posted on 09 April 2020
1 min read

<i>Family</i> (reworked into <i>Family and One</i>)
Chong Fah Cheong
Family (reworked into Family and One),
35.0 x 137.5 x 122.0 cm
Collection of National Gallery Singapore

Five carved wooden planks lean against each other, each supporting another to create a seemingly uninterruptable balance. Together, they encircle the space between them.

Chong Fah Cheong is considered one of Singapore’s pioneer sculptors. A self-taught artist, Chong began his career as an art lecturer at the LASALLE College of the Arts during its establishment in 1984. His artistic style varies from the abstract to the figurative, and explores a wide range of concepts, such as social issues concerning class and social relations. He also works with diverse materials, including wood, metal and stone. The planks in this sculpture are made of teak wood, a weather-resistant material native to Southeast Asia.

Initially titled Family, Chong reworked this sculpture into Family and One by adding a fifth plank with rounded edges and a distinctly organic form. This differently shaped plank expanded on his notion of family.

While the Gallery’s exhibition spaces are closed, join the #GalleryAnywhere on Perspectives Magazine, updated every Friday.